Humidity and moisture measuring devices

Showing all 16 results

Art.No.: 082.049A

Climatic/humidity/temperature measuring device to avoid thermal bridges and mold growth

Art.No.: 3-14-013

The moisture meter is for quick measurement of the moisture content of wood and building materials

Art.No.: 3-14-006

The moisture meter is for quick measurement of the moisture content of wood and building materials

Art.No.: 082.325A

Professional material moisture meter with depth electrodes for every area of application

Art.No.: 082.031A

Digital hygrometer for long-term measurement

Art.No.: 082.321A

Professional material moisture meter with digital connection interface

Art.No.: 082.017A

Universal material moisture meter for wood and building moisture

Art.No.: 082.334A

Professional material moisture meter with Digital Connection interface and MeasureNote app

Art.No.: 082.091A

Electronic material moisture meter for localizing and assessing moisture distribution and moisture damage in walls, floors or ceilings

Art.No.: 082.390A

Universal material and air humidity measuring device with fold-out room climate sensor and digital connection

Art.No.: 082.028A

Digital hygrometer for long-term monitoring of the room climate

Art.No.: 082.046A

Infrared thermometer for localizing thermal bridges and condensation moisture

Art.No.: 082.326A

Deep electrodes with connection cable

Art.No.: 082.015A

Universal wood and building moisture measuring device for determining the material moisture

Art.No.: 082.332A

Non-destructive material moisture measurement of wood and building materials

Art.No.: 082.004A

Compact wood moisture meter

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  • A wide range of modern measurement technology
  • Non-binding telephone and e-mail advice
  • Brand devices only. Quality is the top priority
  • Fast delivery to the desired address
  • Measurement technology. Precise. Intelligent
  • Convincing. professional. Innovative
  • More quality. More security
  • Simple. Fast. Cost-saving
Laserliner WoodTester Compact
Laserliner WoodTester Compact
Laserliner WoodTester Compact
Laserliner WoodTester Compact
Laserliner WoodTester Compact
Laserliner WoodTester Compact
Laserliner WoodTester Compact
Laserliner WoodTester Compact
Laserliner WoodTester Compact
Laserliner WoodTester Compact
Laserliner WoodTester Compact
Laserliner WoodTester Compact
Laserliner WoodTester Compact
Laserliner WoodTester Compact
Laserliner WoodTester Compact
Laserliner WoodTester Compact
Laserliner WoodTester Compact
Laserliner WoodTester Compact
Laserliner WoodTester Compact
Laserliner WoodTester Compact
Laserliner WoodTester Compact
Laserliner WoodTester Compact