The Pulsar HV-R is a robust but more precise multifunctional laser with three working modes: rotation, scan line and point mode. In addition, the HV-R in two axes can practically be tilted up to ± 5° manually. His intuitive operating concept and its robust workmanship simply make him handling. The switchable Tilt function, in which the laser remains with vibrations or vibrations, prevents false measurement results. The HV-R can also be used vertically. Complete package with remote control, including laser receiver PDRG60 with MM display, unique in this class!
- Exact horizontal and vertical alignment of objects
- Large reach, ideal for excavation and excavation work
- Total range of good 500m
- Manual alignment of tendencies
- laser modes: point, scan, rotation and hand receiver mode
- Auslable tripod with 5/8″
- Self-leveling in Y-and X-axes
- Lot function upwards and down (zenit, nadir)
- Digital laser receiver with millimeter scale
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